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Become A Sponsor
Our monthly sponsorship program gives you the opportunity to support our work by sponsoring our hard working staff to help ensure their job security or sponsor the treatments of animals.
Your monthly donation is 100% tax deductible (US Donors only)
Sponsor The Animals
Cost: $30 per month
How Funds Are Used
Your donation will help provide treatments to 5 animals each month by covering the cost of medicines, supplies and equipment to treat a wide range of medical conditions and emergencies such as skin diseases, dog bites, traffic accidents, cancer treatments and vaccinations.
What You Will Receive
Sponsors will receive quarterly photo and/or video updates on 5 animals their donation has helped provide treatments for including the issues treated and the outcome.

Sponsor Our People
Cost: $50 per month
How Funds Are Used
Your donation will support the cost of employing one of our dedicated and skilled team members to help provide continued job security for them and their family. Sponsorship helps to cover wages, health insurance and travel allowance.
What You Will Receive
Sponsors will receive quarterly personalized video messages from the employee their donation supports, thanking them for their help and giving them an update on their performance. Sponsors may also engage with their sponsored employee through letters, cards and emails.